
If you have any questions or need further information, contact us:
+371 62004400
Always friendly, professional, and fast service

You may apply for NordCard creditline if you:

  • are in the 18-75-year-old age group;
  • have an official and regular income, salary;
  • have a declared address in the Republic of Latvia;
  • have an account with one of the banks or payment institutions in Latvia.

You can apply for NordCard creditline online by filling in an application form from your computer or smartphone. Applying in the NordCard office, as well as via telephone call or e-mail is not possible. 


To apply for NordCard creditline:

  1. fill in an application form;
  2. confirm registration by transferring 0.01 EUR to our bank account;
  3. if the application process is successful, await our credit granting decision. 

To confirm your application for NordCard creditline by making 0.01 EUR (registration) payment:

  1. fill in an application form and push the 'Next step' button;
  2. choose your bank from the list or open your internet banking in a new tab;
  3. access your internet banking and make a new payment by transferring 0.01 EUR to NordCard account; use in the 2nd step presented details of payment;
  4. push the 'Continue' button; if your confirmation of application is successful, the following message will be displayed on your screen – 'Thank You! We have received your application'


Your application for NordCard creditline will be reviewed within one working day (9:00-18:00). Our answer regarding our credit granting decision will be sent to your e-mail address.


If necessary, we will contact you by phone. 

Your application may be rejected because of the following reasons:

  • information presented in your application is erroneous; 
  • your existing debts are too high;
  • you do not have official and regular income.
Apply for free